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How to start your own MasterChef-worthy herb garden

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Figure 1 Source: Unsplash (@bonniekdesign)

With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get the family outside to start growing your own herb garden

Have you been wanting to grow your own herbs for a while but not sure where to start? The good news is that starting your own MasterChef-worthy herb garden is not only achievable, it’s also a fun activity for everyone in the household to join in on. Your journey to fresh and fragrant herbs at your fingertips starts now.

Decide where and what you’ll grow your herbs in

Sounds simple enough, but this step is important because it will also decide what you’ll grow your herbs in.

Figure 2 Source: Unsplash (@pictureseeker)

If you only have a small space and need to grow your herbs indoors, don’t fret – window sills that get a lot of sunlight are the perfect spot to start your small herb garden. You can find more tips on growing your herbs indoors here. Alternatively, if you have room outdoors, then you can opt for a hanging herb garden a vertical wall garden, or even a DIY pallet herb planter.

READ MORE: Jock’s MasterChef Herb Garden Tour

The most important thing for your herb garden is to ensure they will get plenty of sun light and are in an easy enough spot for you to water and tend to them.

Choose your herbs

If you’re growing your herbs inside, your best bet is to start with the likes of coriander, chives, mint and thyme. If you’re able to start your garden outdoors, you can opt for rosemary, basil and oregano. These herbs are known to grow quite big, so be sure to prune or harvest them regularly, otherwise you may need to plant them in bigger pots if they get too big.

Figure 3 Source: Unsplash (@funnelhead)

Get your tools and equipment ready

There’s nothing worse than starting a home project only to find you don’t have any of the tools or equipment necessary. Before you get stuck into building your garden or buying your herbs, make sure you’ve got all the everything you need. You can make this task easier by first looking at the gardening and digging tools available online and making yourself a shopping list to be prepared. For parents looking to get their kids involved in gardening, opting for a raised garden bed is a simple and easy way to grow herbs.

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Prepare your pots and potting mix

Figure 4 Source: Unsplash (@markusspiske)

We’re getting there! Once you’ve made your herb planter box or chosen your spot on the window sill, your herbs will either need some pots or at the very least, some soil to live in. It’s especially important to group plants together that prefer the same conditions; some herbs prefer a lot of light, while others prefer much less and require well-drained soil.

 READ MORE: From Pantry to Plate: Putting MasterChef's Produce to Good Use

Once you’ve chosen which plants you will group together in each pot or section of your planter, it’s time to pick up your herb and potting mix. Then with your trusty gardening gloves and dust mask, may the potting begin!

Figure 5 Source: Unsplash (@neonbrand)

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Caring for your herbs

To ensure you get the most out of your herb garden, you’ll need to commit to giving a little TLC. This means watering regularly or as needed depending on the herb, ensuring your herbs get enough sun light evenly, and lastly but definitely not least, regularly harvesting your crops. Then of course, let the MasterChef in you shine!

This article is brought to you by Bunnings Warehouse. Head to www.bunnings.com.au/junior-gardeners to learn more about growing an edible garden with your kids.